Janja company will become one of the largest companies in the country in the field of concentrate production, and we hope to be able to build a second site with a capacity of 130,000 tons.

At the signing ceremony of the 130,000-ton concentrate plant in Janja complex, Morteza Ali Akbari, the CEO of Tajali said: Tajali Development of Mines and Metals Company is the first project-oriented company in Iran and a member of the Janja copper production consortium.

The study and development works of this project were done well during the last two years with the help of “Va Madan” and today the auction for the construction of a 130 thousand-on copper factory was held with Fekur Sanat company and according to the commitments of this company, this factory can be operated in the next three years so both the region and the shareholders can benefit from the benefits that have been created.

He said: The propulsion project was created from the beginning by a consortium of the country’s largest mining companies, which are Chador-Mallo, Gol Gohar, Ghadir, Tajali, and Investment Development of Mines and Metals, which can create wealth and do important work for the country, especially Sistan and Baluchistan. With this move, it will have good wealth for the region and it is a good asset for the national wealth.

CEO Tajali said: Currently, about 60 million tons of stripping must be removed, for which the contract for the first phase of 20 million tons has been signed with the Madan Kar Bakhtar Mining Company.

Bakhtar Mining Company is ahead of schedule in stripping removal and recently purchased 15 units of 120-ton trucks. Some of them are active in the mining area and some of them will be released soon.

Ali Akbari continued: Bakhtar Mining Company, 40% of which belongs to Manifestation of Mines and Metals Development, won this auction and the work is progressing well, and we think that Bakhtar Mining Company will be able to start its activities earlier than planned.

In the end, he said: Janja company will become one of the largest companies in the country in the field of concentrate production, and we hope to be able to build a second 130,000-ton site.

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