Capital Market Stocks

“Tajali Development of Mines and Metals” company was launched in 1400 (Iranian year) at a price of 100 Tomans, and with the support of its well-known lawyers, it was able to grow up to 160 Tomans in the first step. This stock has been among the stocks that have never been affected by the negative fluctuations of the market and has shown itself well in times of ups and downs.

In the days after the attack of the Zionist occupation regime on the Iranian Consulate General in Syria and in the days after the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi, the late president of the country, when the fluctuation range of most of the market shares decreased to a positive and negative two percent, the shares of this company were not only affected, but in a short time it was within the purchase queue for many days.

Meanwhile, many stocks that have been released in the capital market since 1400 (Iranian Year), are traded even lower than their initial offering price. Anyway, although these days are not considered good days for the people of the capital market, the shareholders of “Tajali” are among the happy people of the market who are delighted with the price growth of their shares.


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